Thursday, March 11, 2010


Thursday, March 11, 2010

An escort's apartment isn't like other apartments.

The differences aren't obvious at first sight. Like many other people, I have a kitchen table, a sofa in the living room, a TV and stereo system, even a little work desk for my computer and printer. 

The bedroom is a different story. My bathroom cabinet can look like a pharmacy -- at least one that specializes in condoms and lube. Rarely do I go without a box of Trojans or a tube of lubricant. I've got a few massage oils as well. Oh, and not to mention the regular things like toothpaste, mouthwash, facial cleanser and deodorant.

Trite as this sounds, I do divide my work clothes from my everyday clothes. Dress shirts, slacks, collared shirts -- I don't wear any of that in my daily life, just for clients. My everyday attire of jeans, t-shirts and cargo shorts mostly resides in my bureau, while work clothes are left hanging in the closet.

As to what else lies in my dresser... goodness. Handcuffs, a riding crop, and now that Simone is more comfortable with spanking me, an increasing amount of paddles and belts. My bedroom bookshelf also includes an array of books, ranging from Story of O and The Kama Sutra to Playboy's Complete Centerfolds -- that last one being a gift from Bailey.

Part of being an escort is recognizing and accepting the fact that sex will become a part of your life. Your apartment will reflect it, your reading choices will reveal it. Will this potentially turns some people off? Absolutely. Am I ashamed of anything I own, paddles and all? Hell no.

Readers continuously tell me that the most interesting aspect of this blog is how sex work influences and/or affects my daily life. Having an apartment that's part bachelor pad, part sex shop (though isn't bachelor's fantasy pad a sex shop?) is just one of many ways my job comes home with me.

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