It's almost 5 p.m. on Sunday, January 2, 2011. I arrived back in New York City earlier this afternoon, and I'm currently in my apartment, going through my work emails and putting together an action plan for my first day back at the office tomorrow.
I'll be forever grateful for my boss, who decided to give us, her staff, a one-week vacation in addition to the two weeks we're given as part of our benefits package. I needed this break, I really did. Especially since Simone and I ended up parting ways.
It's not bad, really. Like I mentioned before, we'd been growing apart for some time now. With my work in advertising/PR taking up an increasing amount of my time, we didn't get together as often as before. My boss is pleased with my work, and as such, has increased my role at the firm, as well as my responsibilities.
Simone is still working as a dominatrix, and is doing well. On the train ride from my hometown back to NYC, I couldn't help but think that perhaps sex workers and those on the "outside" just aren't meant to be together. Sad, but true.
Oh, but there have been good times to share recently. Both Adam and Bailey were in New York City over Thanksgiving, and I was so, so glad to see them. We went out, drank, and stumbled our way into a cab like a couple of college kids. To this day I look back fondly on my time in Miami -- and having them here only solidified my view that Miami represents some of the best times in my life.
But I'm a big boy now, making my way up the corporate ladder in the most competitive market in the United States. So far, I like it -- but that could change. Maybe one day I'll return to the Miami, the Magic City, or perhaps even Chicago or San Francisco or Los Angeles.
The New Year is all about possibilities, after all. And after years of whining and pining over the life I thought I deserved, I find myself stunned, for I'm living the very life I wanted to have for so very, very long.
So stay tuned, dear readers. I realize this blog isn't as exciting as it used to be. how can working in an office compete with having sex with strangers for money several times a week?
Still, I'll keep writing. And I hope that you'll keep reading, too.
Happy New Year.